Firstly, right click "Chrome" shortcut --> click "Properties"
Then, add "--incognito" at the end of "Target:" textbox --> click "OK".
Every time you start Google Chrome, it with incognito browsing mode now.
當您想以私密模式進行瀏覽時,可以使用 Google Chrome 提供的無痕瀏覽模式。無痕模式的運作方式如下:
- 您在無痕模式中開啟的網頁與下載的檔案,都不會出現在瀏覽記錄與下載記錄中。
- 所有新的 Cookie 都會在您關閉無痕視窗後刪除。
- 您在無痕模式中對 Google Chrome 書籤和一般設定所做的變更,系統一律會予以儲存。
For times when you want to browse in stealth mode, Google Chrome offers the incognito browsing mode. Here's how the incognito mode works:
- Webpages that you open and files downloaded while you are incognito aren't recorded in your browsing and download histories.
- All new cookies are deleted after you close all incognito windows that you've opened.
- Changes made to your Google Chrome bookmarks and general settings while in incognito mode are always saved.
Reference website: